
Summer 2015

CRCPHP Student Highlights

Nutritional Sciences graduate student Meghan Strom has been awarded a National Cancer Institute R25E Summer Research Experience at the University of Texas MD Anderson’s Cancer Prevention Training Program. One of twenty students, Meghan will be working in Houston from June to August 2015 under the mentorship of Karen Basen-Engquist. Projects will include quantifying visceral adipose tissue in CT scans of a subsample of ovarian cancer survivors in the LiVES study as well as testing post motivational strategies in the Health for Families Study.

Abigail Schneider presented her research “Estimation of Arsenic Intake from Food in Mexico and Arizona” at a recent honors student symposium on the UA campus. Analysis of arsenic (As) content of foods with major sources of dietary As were; cereal, bread, pasta, and rice food products. Intake of As on average, was reported to be higher in the U.S. compared to Mexico. Individuals with a higher BMI consumed more high As foods than individuals with a lower BMI. Additionally, individuals with lower levels of education had reportedly higher intakes of high As foods when compared to individuals with higher levels of education.